The distant planet of Hootville is inhabited by owls that live their lives happily in a large forest. They live in peace until their enemies, the Eagles, try to intrude on the planet to steal all of their goods and treasures. 

There are highly trained groups of detective owls that fight them off in order to protect the community and their close loved ones.

Suzy is the sweet girl in this forest wonderland. She is Heath’s friend and helps him out along with Ralph. She is a very crafty girl and even owns a shop where she has unique items she made herself.

(Main character energy)

Heath is a friendly owl who goes on with his days with a morning cup of coffee and being a detective. He is a little smaller than everyone else, and he has more struggles. But when he sees that his loved ones and his home is about to be taken from him, he then becomes brave and has the will to fight to save everyone.

Chief Cordona is the head of the police department and as well as Heath’s boss. He is more hard-headed and firm than others and that is what makes him a great leader. The Chief and Heath got off on the wrong foot, but later on, he warms up to Heath and they fought alongside each other.

Uncle Ralph has the personality of someone you love to hate, and hate to love, only because he speaks the truth and nothing but the truth. He is a mentor for Heath and helps him out when comes to visit Ralph’s restaurant daily after working at the police station.

In Uncle Ralph’s Greens, the trees and sounds of birds chirping allow you to relax and enjoy your meal. As Uncle Ralph says “As long as you eat with me you’re eating with the trees too!”

Check out Suzy’s Shop, where you can find handcrafted items made by Suzy herself. Bring a part of the forest with you into your own home.

If you want to shop but are halfway across the land from Suzy’s, you can make a pit stop at Peak and Beak to explore our different merchandise options.

The Hootville Trail is a calming experience where you can meet your favorite characters. Someone else who lives up in the trees is Heath, your friendly neighborhood detective.

On the Hootville Trail, you will have the chance to play in a scavenger hunt, you will be seeking 10 golden eggs hidden throughout the trail. Find and scan all the eggs with your bracelet to win a prize.

For brave and adventurous guests, visit Galaxy Excursion, where you can steer the ship to safety and defeat the Eagles to complete your mission. The Chief may give you praise if you do well.

At the end of your long journey, we reach The Hatched Eggsperience, where you will see an owl emerging from the egg in the center of this story-telling experience, representing new beginnings and new adventures for the owls after hardships and battles.

A great way to end your visit!




New York Pet Collection